Diamond Ecology

Whether you require a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) or a Preliminary Roost and Nest Assessment (PRNA), commonly referered to in Cornwall as a ‘Bat and Barn Owl Survey’ or more specialist Phase 2 (Protected Species) surveys, Diamond Ecology will meet your requirements.
We focus on home owners rather than larger scale developments, consequently, we are currently VAT free – So if you are unable to recover the VAT elment of your costs, a VAT free quotation will save you 20% – This typically saves our clients between £60.00 and £120.00 and sometimes much more.
We offer a comprehensive range of ecological services to householders – Please contact us to discuss your project. Feel free to call or email for advice or an informal discussion on how we can help you with your Planning requirements.
We will gladly provide a quotation / estimate without obligation. Email diamondecology@gmail.com